Value Proposition
Whether through clinical practice, research, health care delivery, elevating care models or unique opportunities, Sanford World Clinic is committed to improving the human condition.
We consider and develop innovative approaches to improve the health and well-being of individuals and families, using methods that surpass current practices of health care delivery.
Our purpose:
Identify opportunities and implement partnerships
to improve healthcare delivery worldwide.
Primary Care
Committed to caring for the entire family, Sanford is bringing advanced primary care to outpatient clinics in Ghana. An initial effort to augment pediatric care evolved to care for the entire family, becoming the country’s experts in primary care. Each facility has an Outpatient Department with consult and vitals rooms and provides IV hydration, detention, maternity care, wound care, laboratory and pharmacy services. Sanford’s innovative and proven techniques are creating a growing, sustainable health care infrastructure.
Our purpose:
Identify opportunities and implement partnerships
to improve healthcare delivery worldwide.
Health Research
Sanford has established a partnership with Ireland to provide genetic clinical trials in oncology. The benefits of the partnership are many as Sanford is able to expand access to leading clinical trials for more people. This expanded base of trial participants in turn accelerates the groundbreaking research being done.
Our purpose:
Identify opportunities and implement partnerships
to improve healthcare delivery worldwide.
Cellular Therapy
Sanford is collaborating with a leading German hospital to provide patients with access to advanced standardized stem cell therapy treatments. As patients receive access to exceptional care for everything from joint injuries to spinal disorders, Sanford physicians lead the development of cutting-edge treatments. These breakthroughs eventually may not only alleviate pain, but also help regenerate damaged tissue or organs.
Our purpose:
Identify opportunities and implement partnerships
to improve healthcare delivery worldwide.
Weight Loss Management
Profile by Sanford focuses on nutrition, activity and lifestyle. Profile operates as a franchise model.
Profile has dozens of locations through its virtual service, Profile Anywhere. Developed by Sanford physicians and researchers, Profile includes meal plans and coaching to sustain healthy lifestyles.
Our purpose:
Identify opportunities and implement partnerships
to improve healthcare delivery worldwide.
Health and Wellness
Health and wellness goes hand in hand with physical activity and Sanford is committed to bettering the lives of the people we serve. This commitment is illustrated by the Sanford Sports Complex, a public-private partnership serving as a model of helping increase access to physical activities for people. Opportunities across all disciplines of sports and exercise are hosted along with events on the local, regional and national scale.
Our purpose:
Identify opportunities and implement partnerships
to improve healthcare delivery worldwide.
Technology and Operational Systems
Largely rural nations with developing healthcare infrastructures need innovative ways to deliver healthcare. Sanford took on the challenge of establishing the first telehealth system in Ghana’s history, based on how telehealth was implemented across Sanford’s American enterprise. Through a system proven to work across the globe, patients are able to receive care as close to home as possible and are better informed about their needs; providers are able to serve more people.
Types of Partnership
Joint Venture
Temporary affiliations with stipulations designed to bring a particular project to fruition.
Exclusive collaborations over a designated timeframe to achieve an agreed-upon goal or set of goals.
Arrangements made with government entities.
Management Agreement
Engagements between property owners and management firms defining the scope of authority for each.
Sanford utilizes the philanthropic donations of individuals and organizations, ensuring the projects they envision grow from ideas to reality.
Joint Venture
Temporary affiliations with stipulations designed to bring a particular project to fruition.